Oxford forestploter Themes

Oxford theme for forestploter package

Using the example data in the forestploter and processing it in the same way as show in the forestploter README as per code below:

# Read and process example data from forestploter package

## Read example data from forestploter package
dt <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adayim/forestploter/main/inst/extdata/example_data.csv")

## Indent the subgroup if there is a number in the placebo column
dt$Subgroup <- ifelse(
  is.na(dt$Placebo), dt$Subgroup, paste0("   ", dt$Subgroup)

## NA to blank
dt$Treatment <- ifelse(is.na(dt$Treatment), "", dt$Treatment)
dt$Placebo   <- ifelse(is.na(dt$Placebo), "", dt$Placebo)
dt$se        <- (log(dt$hi) - log(dt$est)) / 1.96

## Add a blank column for the forest plot to display CI.
## Adjust the column width with space. 
dt$` ` <- paste(rep(" ", 20), collapse = " ")

## Create confidence interval column to display
dt$`HR (95% CI)` <- ifelse(
  is.na(dt$se), "",
  sprintf("%.2f (%.2f to %.2f)", dt$est, dt$low, dt$hi)

we demonstrate how to use the based theme_oxford_forest() to provide a custom theme to a forestploter forest plot as follows:

# Create forest plot from dt and then apply theme_oxford_forest()

## Create forest plot
p <- forest(dt[ , c(1:3, 20:21)],
            est = dt$est,
            lower = dt$low, 
            upper = dt$hi,
            sizes = dt$se,
            ci_column = 4,
            ref_line = 1,
            arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
            xlim = c(0, 4),
            ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
            title = "Title in Roboto plain font in Oxford blue",
            footnote = "Footnote in Roboto plain font\nin Oxford royal blue",
            theme = theme_oxford_forest())

## Print plot
#> refline_lwd, refline_col will be deprecated, use refline_gp instead.
#> footnote_cex, footnote_fontface, footnote_col will be deprecated, use footnote_gp instead.
#> title_col, title_fontfamily will be deprecated, use title_gp instead.
#> arrow_lwd, arrow_fill, arrow_col will be deprecated, use arrow_gp instead.

Using Oxford heritage forest plot theme

Using the same example data, we use the theme_heritage_forest() to theme the output forest plot as follows:

# Create forest plot from dt and then apply theme_heritage_forest()

## Create forest plot
p <- forest(dt[ , c(1:3, 20:21)],
            est = dt$est,
            lower = dt$low, 
            upper = dt$hi,
            sizes = dt$se,
            ci_column = 4,
            ref_line = 1,
            arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
            xlim = c(0, 4),
            ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
            title = "Title in Marcellus plain font in Oxford blue",
            footnote = "Footnote in Roboto plain font\nin Oxford green",
            theme = theme_heritage_forest())

## Print plot
#> refline_lwd, refline_col will be deprecated, use refline_gp instead.
#> footnote_cex, footnote_fontface, footnote_col will be deprecated, use footnote_gp instead.
#> title_col, title_fontfamily will be deprecated, use title_gp instead.
#> arrow_lwd, arrow_fill, arrow_col will be deprecated, use arrow_gp instead.

Using Oxford contemporary forest plot theme

Using the same example data, we use the theme_contemporary_forest() to theme the output forest plot as follows:

# Create forest plot from dt and then apply theme_contemporary_forest()

## Create forest plot
p <- forest(dt[ , c(1:3, 20:21)],
            est = dt$est,
            lower = dt$low, 
            upper = dt$hi,
            sizes = dt$se,
            ci_column = 4,
            ref_line = 1,
            arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
            xlim = c(0, 4),
            ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
            title = "Title in Montserrat plain font in Oxford blue",
            footnote = "Footnote in Roboto plain font\nin Oxford aqua",
            theme = theme_contemporary_forest())

## Print plot
#> refline_lwd, refline_col will be deprecated, use refline_gp instead.
#> footnote_cex, footnote_fontface, footnote_col will be deprecated, use footnote_gp instead.
#> title_col, title_fontfamily will be deprecated, use title_gp instead.
#> arrow_lwd, arrow_fill, arrow_col will be deprecated, use arrow_gp instead.

Using Oxford celebratory forest plot theme

Using the same example data, we use the theme_celebratory_forest() to theme the output forest plot as follows:

# Create forest plot from dt and then apply theme_celebratory_forest()

## Create forest plot
p <- forest(dt[ , c(1:3, 20:21)],
            est = dt$est,
            lower = dt$low, 
            upper = dt$hi,
            sizes = dt$se,
            ci_column = 4,
            ref_line = 1,
            arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
            xlim = c(0, 4),
            ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
            title = "Title in Noto Serif Display plain font in Oxford blue",
            footnote = "Footnote in Roboto plain font\nin Oxford viridian",
            theme = theme_celebratory_forest())

## Print plot
#> refline_lwd, refline_col will be deprecated, use refline_gp instead.
#> footnote_cex, footnote_fontface, footnote_col will be deprecated, use footnote_gp instead.
#> title_col, title_fontfamily will be deprecated, use title_gp instead.
#> arrow_lwd, arrow_fill, arrow_col will be deprecated, use arrow_gp instead.

Using Oxford corporate forest plot theme

Using the same example data, we use the theme_corporate_forest() to theme the output forest plot as follows:

# Create forest plot from dt and then apply theme_corporate_forest()

## Create forest plot
p <- forest(dt[ , c(1:3, 20:21)],
            est = dt$est,
            lower = dt$low, 
            upper = dt$hi,
            sizes = dt$se,
            ci_column = 4,
            ref_line = 1,
            arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
            xlim = c(0, 4),
            ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
            title = "Title in Bebas Neue plain font in Oxford blue",
            footnote = "Footnote in Roboto plain font\nin Oxford royal blue",
            theme = theme_corporate_forest())

## Print plot
#> refline_lwd, refline_col will be deprecated, use refline_gp instead.
#> footnote_cex, footnote_fontface, footnote_col will be deprecated, use footnote_gp instead.
#> title_col, title_fontfamily will be deprecated, use title_gp instead.
#> arrow_lwd, arrow_fill, arrow_col will be deprecated, use arrow_gp instead.

Using Oxford innovative forest plot theme

Using the same example data, we use the theme_innovative_forest() to theme the output forest plot as follows:

# Create forest plot from dt and then apply theme_innovative_forest()

## Create forest plot
p <- forest(dt[ , c(1:3, 20:21)],
            est = dt$est,
            lower = dt$low, 
            upper = dt$hi,
            sizes = dt$se,
            ci_column = 4,
            ref_line = 1,
            arrow_lab = c("Placebo Better", "Treatment Better"),
            xlim = c(0, 4),
            ticks_at = c(0.5, 1, 2, 3),
            title = "Title in Phudu plain font in Oxford blue",
            footnote = "Footnote in Roboto plain font\nin Oxford viridian",
            theme = theme_innovative_forest())

## Print plot
#> refline_lwd, refline_col will be deprecated, use refline_gp instead.
#> footnote_cex, footnote_fontface, footnote_col will be deprecated, use footnote_gp instead.
#> title_col, title_fontfamily will be deprecated, use title_gp instead.
#> arrow_lwd, arrow_fill, arrow_col will be deprecated, use arrow_gp instead.