Example raw cause-of-death datasetcodeditr::icd10_cod_by_sex
Sex-specific causes of death for ICD 10codeditr::icd10_cod_child
Child-specific cause-of-death for ICD 10codeditr::icd10_cod_neonate
Neonate-specific cause-of-death for ICD 10codeditr::icd10_unlikely_cod
Unlikely causes of death for ICD 10codeditr::icd11_cod_by_sex
Sex-specific causes of death for ICD 11codeditr::icd11_cod_child
Child-specific cause-of-death for ICD 11codeditr::icd11_cod_neonate
Neonate-specific cause-of-death for ICD 11codeditr::icd11_unlikely_cod
Unlikely causes of death for ICD 11codigo::eleven_map_to_one_ten
ICD 11 code or categories mapped to one ICD 10 categorycodigo::icd11_linearization_mms
ICD-11 Mortality and Morbidity Linearization Outputscodigo::icd11_simple_table_mms
ICD-11 Mortality and Morbidity Simple Table Outputscodigo::ten_map_to_multiple_eleven
ICD 10 code or categories mapped to multiple ICD 11 categoriescodigo::ten_map_to_one_eleven
ICD 10 code or categories mapped to one ICD 11 categoryoxcgrt::oxcgrt_data_files
Table of OxCGRT dataset files available from OxCGRT GitHub data repositoriespactr::pact_mpox_priority
Pandemic PACT Mpox Prioritiespactr::pact_research_category
Pandemic PACT Research Categories